Hepatitis B Study

Who can participate?

Children 10-11 years old or adolescent 15-16 years old can participate.

What is the study about?

Researchers at the Vaccine Evaluation Center (VEC) are studying whether the Hepatitis B vaccine that children had as babies is still protecting them many years later. If not, a booster vaccination may be needed. By taking part in this study, you and your child can find out if the HB vaccine is still giving protection or, if not, whether a HB vaccine ‘booster’ dose will help to keep your child safe from the disease. The study findings may help doctors find out if all older children should get a routine Hepatitis B booster vaccine in school.

Why are we doing this study?

Hepatitis B is a virus that attacks the liver and can cause serious illness and chronic disease later in life including liver cancer. The Hepatitis B vaccine protects against this infection but we don’t know how long protection lasts after vaccination of babies. By taking part in this study, you and your child can find out if the Hepatitis B vaccine is still giving protection or, if not, whether a Hepatitis B vaccine ‘booster’ dose will help to keep your child safe from the disease.