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Congratulations to Dr. Gina Ogilvie for successfully securing over two million in funding from CIHR

GinaOgilvieDr. Gina Ogilvie, Senior Advisor, Research at BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre and Principal Investigator for the QUEST HPV Study at the Vaccine Evaluation Center is awarded a Foundation Grant of $2,714,493 for the Integrated Global Control of HPV Related Diseases and Cancer research program. Over 5% of cancers worldwide are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). With this funding, Dr. Ogilvie and her team will lead a program of research to eradicate HPV cancers by creating policy relevant evidence through studies in both high and low/middle income countries which will guide implementation of prevention strategies for HPV related cancers.

Dr. Ogilvie has achieved a true milestone as this competition was the first of its kind in the CIHR foundation scheme.