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Currently Recruiting

HPV Vaccine Evaluation Study (QUEST)

Quest logo artworkHPV Vaccine Evaluation Study (QUEST)

We are BC’s recruiting site for the QUEST HPV vaccine evaluation study. We are currently recruiting girls who have received their HPV vaccine through their provincial immunization programme. Visit the QUEST website at  www.questhpvstudy.ca for more information.

Mapping Vaccine hesitancy in Canada


Mapping Vaccine hesitancy in Canada

We are interested in learning more about the doubts or concerns some parents with children 5 years old or younger have about recommended childhood vaccinations.

Vaccinating Children after ALL Treatment


Vaccinating Children after ALL Treatment

Children are being invited to take part in a study to determine how well children who have completed treatment for  Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) respond to vaccines against childhood illnesses. Children who have been treated for ALL usually lose their immunity to childhood illnesses and require re-vaccination.

Special Immunization Clinic

IMG_0125Special Immunization Clinic

This study will collect information about adverse reactions following immunization from patients attending the Special Immunization Clinic.  The information collected will help build standard care plans that guide doctors as they care for patients with adverse reactions.